Hi! I am a PhD student at the Neurorobotics Lab at the University of Freiburg, in collaboration with Bosch
Corporate Research, focusing on vision-based robot reinforcement learning. I am advised by Prof. Joschka
Boedecker. Before starting my PhD, I earned a Master of Science in Automation Engineering and a
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Mechanical Engineering from RWTH Aachen
University. During this time, I worked on disentangled representation learning and interpretability
methods for reinforcement learning.
My research aims at discovering principles to build general embodied AI. For this I focus on
architectures specifically suited for reinforcement learning (e.g. state-space models), foundations
models for embodied AI and pre-training of agents with missing modalities (e.g. without actions).
Architectures for MBRL: Transformers revolutionized the
capabilities in natural language processing and therefore have been the dominant architecture
in different machine learning areas. Even though transformers also produce amazing
results in reinforcement learning they struggle with long sequences. I am interested in
developing specific architectures for
model-based reinforcement learning. This includes research on state space models and recurrent
neural networks.
Pre-training of World Models and Agents:
Collecting data for embodied agents by hand is tedious.
But to autonomously collect large-scale, high-quality datasets, we need good policies in the first
Therefore, the agent either has to explore the task to infer a good policy by
itself or we need to find ways to pre-train agents without action-labeled data like videos.
Learning large action-conditioned world models from video to develop a general understanding of the
world as well as offline training of agents based on latent actions without cumbersome data
collection might therefore be a way to equip agents with a general intuition of actions.
The Surprising Ineffectiveness of
Pre-Trained Visual Representations for Model-Based Reinforcement Learning
NeurIPS, 2024, Moritz Schneider, Robert Krug, Narunas Vaskevicius, Luigi Palmieri, Joschka
Interpretable Domain Randomization for
Reinforcement Learning with Disentangled Representations
Master Thesis, 2021, Moritz Schneider
How Do You Act? An Empirical Study to
Understand Behavior of Deep Reinforcement Learning Agents
arXiv, 2020, Richard Meyes, Moritz Schneider, Tobias Meisen